New rooftops, same message

Training up the body of Christ in all aspects of digital ministry. 

Church Livestream Level Up -Course

To say 2020 was a trial for Churches is an understatement. God pushed many Churches through a one-way door into the digital age. 

We surveyed over 200 Australian churches to find out their journey of going online. What we found were many tension points and opportunities for improvement. Church Livestream Level Up was developed to help churches take their livestreams to the next level. 


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What is Digital Ministry Masterclass?

Digital Ministry Masterclass launched out of a partnership between Partners In Ministry, The Centre for Ministry Development and filmmaker/media trainer Alexander Bennett. In fact, those are Alex's documentary clips playing above. 

Right now we are working on training products to help Churches run better Digital Ministries. From social media & church websites, to using better presentation software and design. We have just launched out first course - Church Livestream Level Up


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